About us
Hi Smart People !!
Any way to motivate and plan talent development without proper and systematic monitoring will only be a rhetoric of refreshing enthusiasm for a moment that will not be sustainable mentally or in corporate culture
Our experienced experts are ready to support your organization

Hi Smart People
How To Build A Lean and Agile Organization to Win Future Challenges
In facing a rapidly changing situation, many companies are not ready. Most companies manage their organizations with classical management based on job roles and responsibilities. In the future, we should build a lean and agile organization based on expertise, so we can manage better and become more productive. Systems, tools, and people will be improved. You just need to think about your business; let us do the rest..
Hi Smart People
Your Work Is Going To Fill A Large Part Of Your Life, Let Your Best Mentality Grow With It
People are the company's most valuable asset. However, we frequently fail to recognize that they are the most valuable asset that will propel your company's growth and sustainability. Many companies worry about their employees who are not engaged, not motivated, not productive, not competent, and who also have a bad attitude. Just being competent in their skills and knowledge is not so hard, but what about their character? Their attitude? Their motivation? So many competent people cause trouble and are toxic because of this, and the company cannot handle them. As a result, we commit to developing your people, from frontliner to management trainee and future leader, to have a good character, to be passionate about their profession, to be motivated to give their best, and to be engaged with your company..

Vision, Mission & Values
Hi Smart People is a Consulting Firm, particularly organizational and people consulting. We are going to give solution by building a lean and agile organization and also develop your talents who are qualifield and have a professional mentality to improve your business.

As a driving force in the advancement of organizations by building a lean and agile organization and optimizing...........................................
our specialties
The Experts
Senior Consultant & Trainer

Istiyani Susriyati, Psychologist, CPC

Ir. Lisa Andu, Psychologist, CPC, CHA
We Build Your Lean Organization And Your Future Leader
We are experts at helping your organization and your talent be the best. So we focus on Building Lean Organizations through designing a lean and agile organization, developing corporate and innovation cultures, and also creating competency frameworks. Building Smart Talent offers recruitment and assessment services as well as the development of "smart" people (frontliners, management trainees, future leaders, etc.) through a special program. Therefore, we support Building Smart Tools such as performance monitoring systems, knowledge management systems, customer satisfaction surveys, etc. Just do your business, and let us do the rest.